Monday, May 2, 2011

May's mishmash, melange and medley

On the royal wedding (I know it was in April, but I couldn't resist): 

"I can't write without a reader.  It's precisely like a kiss --- you can't do it alone." [or just once] ~John Cheever

On the Kentucky Derby:

"Wear the old coat [hat] and buy the new book." ~Austin Phelps (Clergyman 1820-1890)

On Osama bin Laden's demise:

"Men of power have no time to read; yet the men who do not read are unfit for power." ~Michael Foot (British Labour Party politician; journalist; author; died in 2010 at age 90-something)

On enjoying each day in May and every day:

"Read in order to live." ~Gustave Flaubert (most-known work, Madame Bovary, 1857)

1 comment:

  1. Liebe Tante,

    I like the quotes.

    I hope that you weren't affected by Blogger's latest glitch. Both of my two most recent posts disappeared into the black hole of the Interwebz. :(

    -Deine Nichte
