Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Book of Killowen by Erin Hart

A triple treat for me today:

1. A great post on Jungle Red Writers regarding Fiction = Reality and how real fictional characters stay with us readers.

2. The post involves neuroscience, long a favorite topic of mine.  Many have heard me utter (too many times) that if it weren't for all that science and chemistry (!), I would have made a great brain researcher.

3. And the post was written by a favorite of mine, Erin Hart.  While Erin has "only" written three novels featuring Nora, an American pathologist and Cormac, an Irish archaeologist, these two have stayed with me long after finishing each book.  And to prove Erin's point in her post today, I commented that "even" a secondary character (Triona, in Erin's False Mermaid) can become as real to the reader as the main protagonist.

And while I haven't yet had the privilege of reading Erin's latest featuring Nora and Cormac, The Book of Killowen, I just know it'll be another fantastic installment in this series.  Also, it doesn't hurt to have the word of some of the following blurbing the bounty of this book:

"Can the arcane science and lore of the Irish 'bog people,' who often died alone and in agony, be fuel for a mystery that actually does what The Da Vinci Code tried to do? A thousand times yes, if Erin Hart's storytelling witchery is at work. Intelligent, eerie, utterly compelling."
   —Jacquelyn Mitchard, author of The Deep End of the Ocean and What We Saw At Night

"Combines powerful insights into human nature and pristine prose...offers food for thought that persists beyond the immediate thrill of a well-told tale."
   —Publishers Weekly (starred review)

"The novel is rooted in medieval Ireland and rich in the particulars of monastic manuscripts... All of this history serves the novel's carefully measured suspense and adds to the book's splendor."
   —Minneapolis Star Tribune

So, Erin, please tell me novel no. 5 is a WIP?!

And as my no.1 book newsletter and website, Stop, You're Killing Me!, says:  "You made it to the end; now go find a book to read."  And, of course, I suggest that book be Haunted Ground, Erin Hart's first in the Nora and Cormac series.  Read all about it and the series here.