Sunday, July 10, 2011

Old School Meets High Tech: Hand-Bound iPad cases

I have a special fondness for the story that appeared recently in my local paper, accompanied by the following photo:

The case photo sits atop a photo album I hand-bound.
Given my recent experience with technology (see previous post), it was heart-warming to see that the fine art of hand-book binding is experiencing a resurgence due to the astronomical sales of the epitome of high-tech:  iPad2s.  For the full story, go here.

Moreover, it renewed my belief that working with my hands in this elemental way is a meditation in itself.  And inspired me to finish my photo album with paper purchased on my first trip to India (and to be filled with photos from that same trip) almost nine years ago.

The book cloth is not from India, but from my bookbinding teacher's supply.

Perhaps the album will be filled with the actual photos before another nine years pass by.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Posting "Left Neglected"

Yes, yes, I know I've "Left Neglected" posting to this blog, but several things have kept me occupied and prevented posting since May 22, not the least of which has been the disappearance of my muse (whomever or whatever he or that is!), major problems with my Google accounts, gmail and blogger, and too many hours to count trying to resolve a TiVO and Comcast problem (first reported to both on Friday, May 20, and 90% resolved by Saturday, June 25).  Despite an alleged "agreement" between the two companies to support one another's products, it was the typical finger-pointing between the two.  All I can say is the experience drove me to further explore the realities of an off-the-grid existence in the very near future.

As photos sometimes speak louder than words, following is my pictorial existence for the last several weeks.  

Of course, I had plenty of books from the library to keep me occupied while unable to watch TV, not really a bad thing.

For those who know me, a hint is provided in one of library book's titles as to what the finished product might be!

"Shooting" definitely would have been involved had I actually been able to speak to a person at TiVO!

Comcast's apology arrived 7/6/2011 offering "free" $5.99 movie-on-demand; charge will be added to monthly bill, then "credited" once enclosed coupon and survey is sent in (no stamp provided): can you say "data mining"?